Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Welcome! It makes me extremely excited to be creating a platform for myself to share in greater detail a little bit of my life and my personal style. Everyone is unique and special in their own way, and as ever-changing, ever-evolving human beings (and you mermaids, unicorns, and fairies), we need a medium to unleash our creative juices.

I'm lucky enough to be surrounded by talented individuals who seem to be created and dropped on this Earth to bless us with their abilities. These photographers, singers, guitarists, pianists, doctors, lawyers, writers, chefs--you name it--are individuals who have inspired me to find my own path paved by my talents and passion. This passion is art and fashion, music, and writing. What a time to be alive when all of these things can converge to forge a living piece of artwork--a site that will be constantly changing and constantly improving reflection of myself.

My mission is to be an inspiration as well as your fashion guru. You'll find unique pieces that are affordable and quality-tested (by me!). Check back for more to come!

Let the pages fill with snapshots of my life, and allow your own creative juices to flow freely.

Follow me on Instagram @elainetu__

I'm new to this whole blog thing, so please, bear with me!